Friday, May 08, 2009


《香港中小企智匯網》5月8日研討會 -- 《香港工業如何藉創意製造闖出新路》--《十大資訊基建對中小企的助益》


At 8:59 AM, Blogger Henry Chan said...

Hi, all,

The NSW state government of Australia issued the Tender Proposal for all state school students using netbooks and wireless internet services in December 2008. (,,24745011-2702,00.html)

In May 2009, the NSW Education department confirmed the private companies to offer the netbooks and wireless internet services in all schools. The state government said that 100 new jobs would be created by the private companies. In addition, the NSW Education department will initially estimate fresh openings over 400 positions to support the secondary schools computer program. The IT support staffs with varying grades onsite at schools to help the students with any problems they might face. (,,25429060-15306,00.html) This means that these schools IT program will deliver hundreds of jobs. Furthermore, the IT support staffs in schools may be the future boss of the Silicon Valley near Sydney which is now under construction. Hope that HKSARG can learn from this.

God bless HK. Henry Kar Ming Chan

At 9:46 AM, Blogger Henry Chan said...

Hi, all,

I think that the HKSARG does not want to have an open internet with freedom for all students in schools because it is quite contradict to the policies of Mainland China. As an example, the government might only want all the students to know that on one was killed in Beijing's Tiananmen Square at 4.6.1989 therefore open internet was not a good policy for schools. I have the following feelings from the Bible about this issue:





Please note that the above messages only represent my personal viewpoint. Many thanks.

God bless all of us.
Henry Kar Ming Chan

At 11:59 AM, Blogger Henry Chan said...

Hi, all,

There is a good article titled “瞄準科技香港 融合國際與中國力量” in the Yazhou Zhoukan magazine (亞洲迥刊) at volume 23 issue 20 (2009-05-24) (web page : The author mentions that HK can be the head of dragon in the High Tech area because HK has open information, enough capital and lot of expertises. The most important thing is whether HK companies can find the right applications in Mainland China for cooperation or not. I personally agree with these viewpoints. Please feel free to read this article if you have time.


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