Saturday, December 24, 2011






但我們如何保護市民的身份證號碼這重要個人私隱?首先,我們根本不會儲存市民的身份證號碼,因為號碼在輸入後會立即被系統以隨機號碼(random number)以散列算法(hashing)加密,使用的是國際資訊保安加密標準,所以在加密後被儲存的代號,只是一串不能夠被還原的亂碼,但系統則可以利用這亂碼確認其相關身份證號碼,之前有否被任何人在任何票站投票,以防止重複投票。



2011年12月24日 刋載於《蘋果日報》


At 1:57 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The keyspace in this case is all the HKID card combinations, which is 26M or 25 bits. Anyone who knows the exact algorithm or any secret key involved will always be able to create a dictionary and find out the plain message from the hashed value.

At 2:43 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

It is incorrect when you say "這些亂碼不能還原". This solution is inherently flawed, always prone to dictionary attack by an insider.

At 7:23 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"因為號碼在輸入後會立即被系統以隨機號碼(random number)以散列算法(hashing)加密". How can this be done on different machines with the same HKID as input? If each machine generates its own random number for hashig, the hash value of the same HKID from each machine will be different and can't be check for dups, unless you restore back to its original input. If you use the same "random" number to hash on different machines, and use the final hash value to check for dups, that means who gets a hold of the random key generation method will be able to restore the HKID. Please clarify. Thanks.

At 8:01 AM, Blogger Charles Mok said...

We are not just using simple hashing but a rather complex, multi-level algorithm/process. Without knowing the original hashing algorithm it is impossible to even brute force attack. The approach has been verified by a team of independent security assessors. Thank you for the concern.

At 11:19 AM, Anonymous Alex said...

But I do believe you know over 60% of the risk is come from internal? And I still dont understand why the data will NOT be stored but still can have the ability to cross check with different polling stations? Be frank, you are trying to minimize the concerns here, the fact is you are NOT stored the actual ID number, but you stored the hashed data with the particular hashing mechanism, is my understanding correct?

At 12:43 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

congrats,all these years, the U.S. gov still haven't figured out a way to fully implement a secure e-election system that ppl trust. what you guys doing in HK is simply amazing. :)

At 12:55 PM, Blogger Charles Mok said...

This is not online voting for an election. This is electronic voting for a primary.

At 2:11 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

" We are not just using simple hashing but a rather complex, multi-level algorithm/process. Without knowing the original hashing algorithm it is impossible to even brute force attack."

It is not what was published in the voting web site. From the Q&A section

3. 經國際資訊保安加密標準SHA256加密後的資料並不能被還原,任何人(包括籌委會及系統開發者)將不能看到原本之號碼。

But you have just confirmed the development team which knows the exact set of algorithm and salts used will be able to construct a rainbow table and recover the data using a dictionary attack.

At 9:26 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Charles: 你們的『個人私隱保障』聲明是否有誤導之嫌? 因為你們聲稱:
3. 經國際資訊保安加密標準SHA256加密後的資料並不能被還原,任何人(包括籌委會及系統開發者)將不能看到原本之號碼。

因為要在一部中央電腦檢查有冇人用相同身份證號碼重複投票,即一定要建立DATA BASE作比較,即同一ID必定產生同一亂碼!如果唔係點比較?所以,產生的Hash即等同身份證號碼,而hash產生的方式係由設計者決定,設計者根本可以用reverse方式還原ID!不是嗎?


最後,你們好似講到系統非常安全,但根本係可能在ID由各站傳送回主機途中已經受man-in-the-middle attack! 以下係在YOUTUBE的示範:

Wifi系統是非常容易受man-in-the-middle attack!你不是不知道吧?

At 12:47 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

anyway, i think that this is a text book case of Security Failure

At 1:45 PM, Anonymous Chan said...

雖然我已投左票,而且亦明白就算單是HKID洩漏的風險也不高,但我真擔心notebook有木馬的風險。BTW, 今次宣傳並不足

At 4:09 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Charles, is it possible to post a detailed technical report on the election after it has finished? So everyone can see it is secure. thanks

At 4:18 PM, Blogger Charles Mok said...

Yes we will try to. In fact, we plan to submit a proactive report to the Privacy Commissioners' Office next week.

At 8:03 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks= you. I will be interested to read it. Also, did you consider using the old fashioned method of using paper ballots and indelible ink to mark the voter? What was the conclusion?

At 10:53 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

莫先生:請問在哪裡可以睇到今次投票的詳細結果公布? 即74個票站投票人數分布,每位候選人得票多少及白票的數目。


At 2:46 AM, Blogger Charles Mok said...

今天在信報論壇的文章:《關於泛民初選要說的話》 牆內:1510: 論壇: 解釋泛民初選的資訊安全...

At 2:03 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

莫生:泛民初選網找不到每位候選人分站得票break down. 是否不可以/不方便提供?在銷毀資料前,最好學一般選舉咁提供此數據。

At 2:19 PM, Blogger Charles Mok said...

大會之前決定不提供這數據:兩位候選人不知道,籌委會不知道,工作人員也不知道。公平起見,不會覆查這資料。未來如果在另一次投票中決定可以公布這數據的話,另作別論 :)


At 2:24 PM, Blogger Charles Mok said...


At 3:12 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...




At 3:28 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


At 11:01 PM, Blogger Charles Mok said...

I quote what Charles Low said on facebook:

Salt+hash可以被dictionary table attack
Developer寧願唔種backdoor,反而會因為知道(預知random result!)random salt而輕易用dictionary attack
HMAC可以輕易brute force
Software keyboard會比keylogger偷input

At 12:25 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is there a station by the hour breakdown? It's useful information for auditing purposes.

At 12:30 AM, Blogger Charles Mok said...

To the last post, sorry, we do not provide that breakdown (either to the candidates or the public). In fact, we provide the same info to the candidates as to the public.


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